All time records are from the unification of The League in 2012 going forward to present day. All records prior to 2012 will be noted below with an asterisk due to inconsistent league members, season length changing, number of league members, shitty team names running rampant, and former league members being general fuck wads.
Official Records
All Time
- Most Regular Season Wins - 11 Stoddart (2017,2018)
- Most Regular Season Losses - 12 FNG (2019)
- High Score (Season) - 1564.02 -Mike (2021)
- Low Score (Season - 987.28 FNG (2017)
- High Score (Week) - 185.72 Jackson (2015)
- Low Score (Week) - 37.92 Schwab (2015)
- Longest Win Streak - 9 Straight Cash (2012)
- Longest Loss Streak - 10 FNG (2019)
- Biggest Blow Out - 104.04 (Mike Ov Schwab) (2021)
- Most Roster Moves - 56 Stoddart (2019)
- Most Rhoda Bowls Won - 4* Stoddart
- Most Championship Appearances - 4 Stoddart, Mike
- Most Toilet Bowl Bitch - 2 Austin ,FNG, Mike
- Most Toilet Bowl Appearances - 5 Sombke,FNG
By Season
- Most Regular Season Wins – 10 Stoddart, Mike
- Most Regular Season Losses – 11 Chris
- High Score (Season) – 1512.26 Engh
- Low Score (Season – 1174.28 Sombke
- High Score (Week) – 152.98 Stoddart
- Low Score (Week) – 43.78 Austin
- Longest Win Streak – 6 Mike
- Longest Loss Streak – 8 Chris
- Biggest Blow Out – 73.96 (Engh Over Jackson)
- Most Roster Moves – 41 Jackson
Champion – Stoddart* (Single Doubles) *The Hamlin Asterisk Applies
TBB – Austin (Kramarica Industries)
- Most Regular Season Wins – 10 Mike
- Most Regular Season Losses – 11 Schwab
- High Score (Season) – 1564.02 Mike
- Low Score (Season – 1335.08 Schwab
- High Score (Week) – 176.98 Sombke
- Low Score (Week) – 47.30 Austin
- Longest Win Streak – 5 Mike, FNG
- Longest Loss Streak – 8 FNG
- Biggest Blow Out – 104.04 (Mike Over Schwab)
- Most Roster Moves – 42 Stoddart
Champion – Mike (Makers Mike) - DYNASTY CHAMPION
- Most Regular Season Wins – 9 Mike
- Most Regular Season Losses – 9 Engh
- High Score (Season) – 1409.46 Chris
- Low Score (Season – 1197.94 Engh
- High Score (Week) – 158.58 Chris
- Low Score (Week) – 59.60 Austin
- Longest Win Streak – 5 Mike
- Longest Loss Streak – 4 Engh
- Biggest Blow Out – 87.40 (Stoddart Over Austin)
- Most Roster Moves – 52 Jackson
Champion – Mike (Makers Mike)
TBB – Engh (Sober Draft)
- Most Regular Season Wins – 10 Austin,Schwab
- Most Regular Season Losses – 12 FNG
- High Score (Season) – 1496.70 Stoddart
- Low Score (Season – 1072.52 FNG
- High Score (Week) – 172.04 Matt
- Low Score (Week) – 47.48 Sombke
- Longest Win Streak – 6 Austin
- Longest Loss Streak – 10 FNG
- Biggest Blow Out – 86.80 (Chris Over Sombke)
- Most Roster Moves – 56 Stoddart
Champion – Stoddart (TD Touching Toni)
TBB – Chris (WahlBurgers
- Most Regular Season Wins – 11 Stoddart
- Most Regular Season Losses – 9 Jackson
- High Score (Season) – 1541.38 Schwab
- Low Score (Season – 1137.20 Austin
- High Score (Week) – 170.26 Matt
- Low Score (Week) – 51.74 FNG
- Longest Win Streak – 6 Stoddart
- Longest Loss Streak – 4 (Chris, Engh, Sombke)
- Biggest Blow Out – 80.20 (Matt Over Jackson)
- Most Roster Moves – 40 Engh
Champion – Chris (WahlBurgers)
TBB – Austin (Kramarica Industries)
- Most Regular Season Wins - 11 Stoddart
- Most Regular Season Losses - 10 Sombke
- High Score (Season) - 1305.70 Engh
- Low Score (Season - 987.28 FNG
- High Score (Week) - 145.02 Mike
- Low Score (Week) - 49.64 Sombke
- Longest Win Streak - 7 Stoddart
- Longest Loss Streak - 5 (Schwab & Sombke)
- Biggest Blow Out - 72.46 Mike (Mike V FNG)
- Most Roster Moves - 42 Sombke
Champion - Stoddart (Beer.Passion.Sports)
TBB - Sombke (My Big Dick's Jeans)
- Most Regular Season Wins - 10 Chris
- Most Regular Season Losses - 10 (Mike & Schwab)
- High Score (Season) - 1340.60 Engh
- Low Score (Season - 1089.48 Mike
- High Score (Week) - 145.34 Austin
- Low Score (Week) - 57.92 Austin
- Longest Win Streak - 7 (Chris, Stoddart)
- Longest Loss Streak - 7 Mke
- Biggest Blow Out - 74.38 Chris (Chris V. Sombke)
- Most Roster Moves - 40 Jackson
Champion - Chris (Hot Tub Time Machine)
TBB - Mike (Bye Week)
- Most Regular Season Wins - 9 (Stoddart, Engh, Matt)
- Most Regular Season Losses - 9 (Chris, Jackson, Engh)
- High Score (Season) - 1458.58 Stoddart
- Low Score (Season - 1104.34 Schwab
- High Score (Week) - 185.72 Jackson
- Low Score (Week) - 37.92 Schwab
- Longest Win Streak - 5 Stoddart
- Longest Loss Streak - 6 Chris
- Biggest Blow Out - 82.84 (Jackson V. Stoddart)
- Most Roster Moves - 37 FNG
Champion - Stoddart (Le'Veoff The Blount)
- Most Regular Season Wins - 8 (Austin, Jackson, TB1, Chris)
- Most Regular Season Losses - 10 Mike
- High Score (Season) - 1350.82 Austin
- Low Score (Season - 1084.24 Mike
- High Score (Week) - 168.04 Austin
- Low Score (Week) - 49.34 Mike
- Longest Win Streak - 5 Jackson
- Longest Loss Streak - 9 Mike
- Biggest Blow Out - 72.75 (Jackson over TB1)
- Most Roster Moves - 36 Quincy
Champion - Austin (Kramarica Industries)
TBB - Mike (Beats By Ray)
- Most Regular Season Wins - 10 Sombke
- Most Regular Season Losses - 8 Solberg , Schwab
- High Score (Season) - 1401 Sombke
- Low Score (Season - 1192 Jackson
- High Score (Week) - 152.06 Schwab
- Low Score (Week) - 52.70 Austin
- Longest Win Streak - 6 Sombke
- Longest Loss Streak - 4 Schwab , Solberg
- Biggest Blow Out - 66.96 (Mike def Chris)
- Most Roster Moves - 41 Quincy
Champion - Derek (Pac Attack)
TBB - White Shawn (Straight Cash Homey)
- Most Regular Season Wins - 10 (Straight Cash Homey, Sombke)
- Most Regular Season Losses - 9 Brian Marsh
- High Score (Season) - 1488 Sombke
- Low Score (Season - 1092 Derek
- High Score (Week) - 173 Sombke
- Low Score (Week) - 52.1 Derek
- Longest Win Streak - 9 Staight Cash
- Longest Loss Streak - 5 (Chris, Sombke)
- Biggest Blow Out - 84.14 Schwab def. Mike
- Most Roster Moves - 24 Quincy
Champion - White Shawn, Straight Cash
TBB - Jordan Stoddart, What Would Tebow Do
**Records from the "Other Years" (Non-Official and not included in All Time Records)**
2011 (12 team League 14 game season)
- Most Regular Season Wins - 10 Not So Gangstalicoius
- Most Regular Season Losses - 10 Nimbal Nymphos, Corn on the Kolb)
- High Score (Season) - 1479 Mike
- Low Score (Season - 1111 Chris
- High Score (Week) - 165 Pac Attack
- Low Score (Week) - 32.72 Nimbal Nymphos
- Longest Win Streak - 7 Not So Gangstalicous
- Longest Loss Streak - 9 Nimbal Nymphos
- Biggest Blow Out - 112.88 Solberg def Nymphos
- Most Roster Moves - 24 Not So Gangstalicous
Champion - Not So Gangstalicious
- Most Regular Season Wins - 11 Brian Marsh
- Most Regular Season Losses - 10 Baldini Special, Vehicular Stallworth
- High Score (Season) - 1316 Brian Marsh
- Low Score (Season - 1113 Sombke
- High Score (Week) - 150.18 Solberg
- Low Score (Week) - 42.14 Sombke
- Longest Win Streak - 6 Marsh, Pac Attack
- Longest Loss Streak - 9 Vehicular Stallworth
- Biggest Blow Out - 76.34 Jackson def Scheels
- Most Roster Moves - 31 Solberg
Champion - Solberg
- Most Regular Season Wins - 10 Tha Cronics
- Most Regular Season Losses - 9 A-Team
- High Score (Season) - 982 Scheels
- Low Score (Season - 816 Jackson
- High Score (Week) - 109.61 Chris
- Low Score (Week) - 24.98 (0-16, Adam)
- Longest Win Streak - 5 Tha Cronics
- Longest Loss Streak - 5 Sombke
- Biggest Blow Out - 84.63 Chris def 0-16
- Most Roster Moves - 29 Solberg
Champion - Scheels